
Varnish is a transparent and oily liquid that is applied to prints to provide an additional layer of protection over the inks while enhancing the designs. It is processed by the same printer, so there is no additional processing fee. Varnish can have a glossy, matte, or satin look and feel to match the desired finish.

Why use it

  • Cheaper
  • More eco-friendly

Why not use it

  • Less protection than UV coating
varnished prints effects


Varnishes, when used as a transparent ink, provide a cost-effective alternative to coatings and can add a greater perceived value to any product. By incorporating a gloss varnish, your artwork designs can be enhanced to create a more profound and layered look, while also adding a protective layer to the surface of your packaging. Varnishes are extremely versatile and are available in various finishes including glossy, matte or satin. They provide ample opportunities for new branding experiences on any type of packaging.